Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Getting Up The Rent, Independent

‘I lost my job, I lost my friends’ loses listeners instantly, as opening lines. What is a great little loser? A strained vocal, and boring rudimentary musicianship and a distinctly garage-style production (but not in the esteemed tradition). I can put my finger on it, the reason they’re insecure: listening to this record is damaging to your psychology, as well as unpleasant sounding. In a way it reminds me of the rehearsals my friends were having in grade 10. Don’t get me wrong, all these years later, many of those guys are musical celebrities and successes. But that was then, and it wasn’t being recorded. Here and now, there’s an earnestness at least, and effort at diversity, and thankfully, eventually a cheerful let the good times roll track. There’s also the wherewithall to get an album written and recorded and distributed. But, cousins from Texas? Say nope, to Nope, and wish them better luck next time.

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