Sunday, October 07, 2007

CD Rls Concert in Kitchener

Andrew Cash was very appreciative of the fact that Shannon Lyon arranged the show, and was honoured to play with him "on his home turf." SL made me wish for an electric guitar afterall, and I liked how I could hear his in-breaths in the new mic. It was an intimate, comfortable-enough-for-alcohol-free venue and I forget how AC phrased the fiscal impracticality of such theatres, but it was funny. Both performers were comfortable, conversational and humoursly personable between songs... But, my favourite moment/number of the whole nite however, was the undaunting two chord song.

I wished to be the helpful page turner, or lyrics reciter... but did at least offer two cents. "Take $10" I bossed, about the latecomers, "and suggest the DVD," and I think they took my advice.

You can hear and/or download samples from the show at

wouldn't it be great if AC's old material was available somewhere for purchase by download?

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