Thursday, August 30, 2007

Award-winning author Emily Pohl-Weary has been called “an unconventional and modern day hero to many young females.” After reading Strange Times at Western High, it is easy to see why.

It is her fifth book and her first for young adults. The novel is 218 pages, and was published by Annick Press in 2006. A pleasure from cover to cover, this book is a modern Nancy Drew mystery, featuring a smart, spunky and savvy sleuth you want to follow from adventure to adventure, so it is pleasing to note this appears to be the first book of a series.

The daughter of journalist parents, the main character Natalie has learned to take care of herself in war zones all over the world. After her parents’ separation she moves from Manhattan to Toronto with her father, and is the new kid at Western High. She is also, unfortunately, witness to a brutal attack on school grounds. And, she is determined to get to the root of it. The book is fast paced and full of unexpected turns, and the saucy star of the dramas still manages trips to the mall (referred to as the mecca of greed) and to put out issues of her self-published zine. Which reminds me, I especially enjoyed the illustrations and photographs in the bottom corner of almost every page, and the other design features that add to the cool factor of the novel. The character also has her own website,, where you can learn more about her and her interests.

Emily Pohl-Weary is one of the confirmed readers for this year’s Eden Mills Writers Festival, which takes place Sunday September 9th from noon til six, rain or shine.

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